Port royale 4 warehouse guide
Port royale 4 warehouse guide

The routes I have that do selling under the "My Strategy" option, are designated with an "S" prefix.

port royale 4 warehouse guide

A prosperity route can be set up without any tweaking other than picking ports. The routes that have raw materials take a little while to tweak just right so I would just as soon not have to re-create them. This isn't always a concern because France doesn't have a lot of ships near South America and you can probably not have to worry about the French fleet going after your ships around Maricabo and Curacao but I deactivated all of them just in case. Before I invaded a port, I deactivated the route so it wouldn't be destroyed by the nation that owned the port. Such as RM-CTH-TPA was a raw material route that took cloth to Tampa. The raw materials routes started with a RM. The P (prosperity) and MID CAR (Mid Carribean-Belize, Cayman, Port Royale) let me know it was a prosperity route and my businesses DID NOT rely on it to bring raw materials. For example, a route that was set up for Prosperity started with a P. What I did was begin the names of my routes with a designation to let me know what the route was doing. What this will do is cause whatever nation that originally owns the town to come after your merchant fleet. Name your routes with a prefix so you can close them quickly.Įventually you're going to want to take over a town by force in free-play.Tampa has a lot of indigenous populations which make expansion difficult. The second reason is that Puerto Santo is ignored by the game and has a low population and you can set up a couple of dozen factories. If/when a pirate raids your ship, you only lose comparatively cheap raw materials (another reason to have multiple routes-pirate attacks). I set up a trade route from North America with Dye and cotton and transport both down there (on multiple routes of course). Puerto Santo makes cloth so it needs cotton. There are two other reasons it's so fantastic. Also if a pirate raids your ship, they get 200 barrels of clothing not 800 if you had a Trade Fluyt doing the sales route. Puerto Santo is a gold mine when it comes to clothing production since it is so far south and a small ship can usually serve the ports in South America well enough to ensure profitability. A Pinnace can supply the raw materials quickly and efficiently and 20 barrels of finished product are usually enough to ensure profitability. Augustine since the "feeder ports" of Pensacola and Ft. What I like to do is almost focus on clothing first out of Tampa and St. Any port that produces clothing is worth it's weight in gold.

port royale 4 warehouse guide

I'm not sure why clothing sells for so much in the game but it does. Once its profitable, then save it and duplicate it This is also a good way to be able to double your production So in synopsis set up a raw materials re-supply route and tweak it until it is profitable. I don't like that strategy because if there is a hurricane or drought or famine, production drops and you end up hurting your own production. If you're smarter than me, you can also over-produce wood at Belize and Cartahenga and cut out the second ports of Nombre de Dios and Gibraltar.

port royale 4 warehouse guide

What is also a winning strategy is to have a secondary supply with different ports such as metal from Cartahenga and wood from Gibraltar. If I had one route, the closure of one of the ports that supply the metal and wood would cripple production. Like in the example above, I have it set up to where I need approximately 960 metal and 480 wood every 10 days. What this does is "back up" the first route so if a port is closed due to locusts or hurricanes, the second one can usually get in once the closure is lifted. So now I have two routes running the same exact gameplan. However, what I did was save the route when I sat it up and then duplicated it with an identical ship once I got it to be profitable. This is a basic set up covered in the tutorial. The ship then picked up 20 barrels of metal goods for sale in Belize to make the route somewhat profitable. So what I did was have a Pinnace, or Sloop go from Belize to Nombre de Dios to Tortuga picking up 2X as much metal as it does wood since it takes 1 wood and 2 metal to make a metal good. So I needed wood and metal to have it made there-Tortuga produces neither. For example, I have metal goods being made at Tortuga. Set up multiple raw materials re-supply routes. When you have set up manufacturing that requires secondary raw materials from other ports and want to increase production, It is helpful to do one (or both) of the following.These are some things that worked for me.

Port royale 4 warehouse guide